Upcoming Events
March 25: Governing Board Meeting at 6pm
March 24-27: Student-led Conferences
March 24-27: PTO Auction Event
May 12: PTO Meeting at 4pm
Latest News
Quick reminders
​*We are once again a NO BACKPACK SCHOOL. All your student needs is a water bottle that can be left at school and a lunch box. Please be sure to LABEL EVERYTHING with your student's name. CMCS happily accepts donations for school supplies. A list will be provided later in the school year.
*Everyday, 7:30 is the earliest students can be dropped off at school. School will officially begin with Morning Assembly on the Playground starting at 8:45. We are asking that all students enter through the front door and go through the building to the playground. All Drop-.Offs and Pick-Ups are to take place at the Main Building.
​Dismissal Procedures
Because of our parking and traffic situation, CMCS is on a staggered dismissal. We continue to work to be a good neighbor. All Drop-Offs and Pick-Ups are drive-throughs. We ask that all late Drop-Offs, early Pick-Ups or Check-Outs for appointments are done through the Front Office and for those special Pick-Ups and Drop-Offs, you may pull into the CMCS parking lot. We also ask that NO ONE PARKS ON OUR NEIGHBORS' PROPERTY OR WALKS OR CUTS THROUGH THEIR SPACES OR THEIR YARDS TO GET TO CARSON MONTESSORI. If you have students in multiple grades, we ask that you use the Pick-Up Time for the oldest student. We will partner your children and have activities for them.
Daily Dismissal Schedule
*Kindergarten is dismissed at 2:45.
*1st Grade 3:00
*2nd Grade 3:05
*3rd Grade 3:10
*4th, 5th, & 6th Grades 3:15 -3:30
Early Out Dismissal Schedule
*Kindergarten is dismissed at 12:45.
*1st Grade 1:00
*2nd Grade 1:10
*3rd Grade 1:20
*4th, 5th, & 6th Grades 1:30
Minimum Day Dismissal Schedule
*Kindergarten is dismissed at 11:45.
*1st Grade 12:00
*2nd Grade 12:10
*3rd Grade 12:20
*4th, 5th, & 6th Grades 12:30
What age can you start Kindergarten in Nevada?
Effective July 1st 2023, children will be required to turn 5 on or before August 1st to enter kindergarten. Please call the school if you would like to set up a tour.

Our Early Release Days will take place on September 11th, October 9th, December 20th, February 12th, and March 12th.
On the ERD days, we use a staggered dismissal time.
KINDER 12:45
1st 1:00
2nd 1:10
3rd 1:20
4,5,6 1:30
Please continue to use your yellow signs at dismissal.