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Enrollment Policy

Carson Montessori School is a free public school, located in Carson City, Nevada, and serves grades K-6.  Enrollment is open to all students in grades K-6 regardless of their county of residence.  Carson Montessori School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities.  Carson Montessori School enrolls students in the order in which each pupil’s application is received up to the point at which the school reaches its maximum capacity.  The names of eligible pupils, who submit enrollment applications that are received after the school’s or grade’s capacity has been reached, are put on a waiting list. 
Carson Montessori’s maximum allotted capacity is determined by the amount of space and staff that are available at its site.  The initial year start will allow 10% over CMS’ allotted capped enrollment to maximize its funding potential as well as to be able to provide more staff to ensure a prepared Montessori environment, which encourages a lower teacher to pupil ratio.    
If more students apply for enrollment at Carson Montessori than the number of spaces, which are available, Carson Montessori shall determine which applicants to enroll, as space becomes available, on the basis of the date the completed enrollment package was received.  Each eligible candidate will provide a phone number where his or her family can be reached for notification of their child’s enrollment status.  As a secondary notification, an e-mail address may be provided. 
In order to begin the enrollment process, a candidate’s parents/guardians must take a tour.
Details for enrollment Process:
Step 1:  Call Carson Montessori at 887-9500 to arrange a visit/tour.
Step 2:  Bring the following items:  child’s birth certificate and child’s immunization records.  Kindergarten enrollees must be 5 years of age on or before August 1st of the year they seek enrollment.
Step 3:  Complete the entire registration packet available in the school office. 
Since Carson Montessori will accept registrations until they are full, the completed registration will be time stamped and dated by a Carson Montessori official. 
As per NRS. 386.580 2A, admission priority is given to siblings of currently enrolled CMS students and to children/family members of the faculty.
Prospective families, who have filled out registrations in advance, must notify Carson Montessori of their desire to activate their enrollment or to remain on the waiting list by January 15 of each year.


The following are required at the time of registration:
1)  Complete Enrollment Packet
2)  Birth Certificate and
3)  Immunization Record, including Hepatitis vaccination.

  • Up-to-date medical records indicating that your child has had, or at least started, the following series of immunizations:

  • Four DPT shots (but one more if last dose was given before 4th birthday)

  • Three polio doses (but one more if last dose was given before 4th birthday)

  • Two MMR shots (one dose must be given on or after the 1st birthday)

For student new to Nevada schools:

  • Two Hepatitis A shots (2nd dose must be given at least 6 months after the 1st dose).

  • Three Hepatitis B shots (must have a minimum of 4 months between 1st and 3rd dose).

  • One chicken pox (Varicella) shot (must be given at 12 months of age or older; 

  • Physician verification required if student has had the chicken pox disease.

  • The child must be 5 years of age ON or BEFORE August 1st of the year seeking enrollment



Carson Montessori Charter School

2263 Mouton Dr.
Carson City NV, 89706

©2019 by Carson Montessori Elementary School.

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